Measurement & Notation

The films compiled here consist of photographic sequences created in accordance with a program defined beforehand. These instructions or notations are consistently executed and processed in the films. Our subjective perception can be surprised by the "objective" – i.e. the lens – of the photographic apparatus. Time is being programmed here in such a way that it becomes folded or even comes to a complete standstill. Past happiness becomes rewound or a fixed point transposes us into an astonishing trance using "optical music". Most of these photo animations also depict fictional cities, which were shot in real urban spaces. With all of them, they are experiments in perception that permit us to think the filmic anew.

Equestrian (Monitorversie) / Michiel van Bakel / Netherlands / 2003 / 4 min

Spacy / Takashi Ito / Japan / 1981 / 10 min

Transformation by Holding Time (Landscape Version) / Paul de Nooijer / Netherlands / 1976 / 4 min

Omokage (Remains) Maki Satake / Japan / 2010 / 6 min

Zielpunkte der Stadt / Jörn Staeger / Germany / 2004 / 9 min

Battery Film / Richard Protovin / Franklin Backus / USA / 1985 / 9 min

Dahlia / Michael Langan / USA / 2008 / 3 min

Cities (Verborgene Städte) / Gusztáv Hámos, Katja Pratschke / Germany / 2012 / 27 min